All Healthcare Providers who Provide Physical Activity Assessment and Guidance!

Physical activity and prescriptive exercise for chronic conditions is our specialty. Exercise assessment, guidance, and referral is your specialty!

Provider time is short. Exercise knowledge is limited. Patient resources general.

NEW LOW PRICES! We provide education, tools, and patient/client resources that allow you to assess physical activity levels, guide/counsel your patients, and make referrals. read more

ACTIVE Solution Overview

The MyFitScript ACTIVE Solution are pre-designed exercise programs that are age and chronic-disease specific and are ‘Bundled’ by population, such as diabetes, weight, maternal fitness. MyFitScript Exercise programs are guideline-driven, evidence-based strategies that have been shown to improve health and fitness levels, prevent and manage chronic conditions.

Just want the ExRx Bundle of 41 exercise prescriptions for self-implementation?

ExRx Bundle

ACTIVE Solution PRO Bundle

ExRx PRO Bundle
PRO Bundle Tools & Resources

             ACTIVE Solution Population Bundles

Population Bundles Overview
Weight Management
Maternal Fitness


All Exercise Bundles!

Designed for individual practitioners, fitness and health coaching professionals! Get the right exercise to the right person at the right time! 

Learn More
Exercise Programs for our Adult and Senior Consumers

Alzheimer’s Disease
Heart Disease
Heart Failure
Low Back Pain
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Peripheral Arterial Disease
Weight Management

Special Considerations
General Fitness for Adults
General Fitness for Seniors
Flexibility Program
Walking Program

General Fitness 
Aqua Fitness
Back Fitness
Hear Fitness
Wheel Fitness

2024 – 2025 Educational Training Series ‘Providing Exercise Guidance with Confidence’ 3-Part series to include Physical Activity Basics, Assessment & Guidance, and Exercise for Chronic Disease. Hosted by the National Society of Health Coaches.

November 2024 – Presented at Medical Fitness Association’s Annual Conference in New Orleans 2024!
Presentation ‘Pay it Forward with Exercise: Providing Physicians Providing Patients’.

™ Population Series – working with physician practice to provide physical activity intervention for Diabetes patients. See Results!

MyFitScript™ worked with Industrial company with onsite medical clinic as part of an employee wellness program!

Corley Roberts/MyFitScript published in PEC Innovation Journal – Peer reviewed International journal in the fields of health promotion, health education, and health communication. read more

MyFitScript™ partners with HappyMama — the global maternal mortality and morbidity prevention campaign directed by Reach, a 501(c)(3) global social impact organization — in support of expectant mothers in underserved communities. MyFitScript’s MAMA series for hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, weight, and postpartum depression.

Corley Roberts, Founder of MyFitScript joins panel of experts for ‘Falls Prevention’ on one of Nashville Public Television’s socially engaged and award-winning projects, AGING MATTERS.

Watch Episode 20 | 28m 29s |



A Provider library updated regularly with resources, tools, and information. Read more.

“MyFitScript is a highly educational and motivational resource that prepares healthcare and fitness  professionals to work effectively with seniors in the area of exercise…I am pleased to recommend.”
Wayne Westcott, PHD, C.S.C.S , Dr. Westcott has served as an editorial advisor, reviewer, writer, and columnist for many publications, including The Physician and Sports Medicine, ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, ACSM's Certified News, Fitness Management, Perspective, On-Site Fitness, Prevention and Shape