About Our Advisors and Partners…
The MyFitScript Advisory Team is composed of talented professionals that excel in their area of expertise and offer guidance in achieving MyFitScript mission, vision and goals and to oversee my shenanigans.

Cathy A. Maxwell, PhD, RN, FAAN
Aging and Frailty Researcher

Melinda Huffman, BSN, MSN, CCNS, CHC
Co-Founder & Principal
The National Society of Health Coaches,
Health Coaching Division of Miller & Huffman Outcome Architects, LLC
The Florida Vocational Institute School of Nursing and Technology and the National Society of Health Coaches Partners! MyFitScript exercise programs and tools are integrated into the Certified Health Coach (CHC) 4th Edition Certification program, and additional content for members!
Listed #1…evidence-based resources for health coaching and motivational interviewing, The National Society of Health Coaches is Listed #1 among the most popular health coach certification programs in the U.S.! Clinical Model…first Clinical Model The National Society of Health Coaches (NSHC) introduced the first Clinical Model of Evidence-based Health Coaching (EBHC)® with Motivational Interviewing in the nation.