About The Founder and CEO…

Ms. Corley Roberts holds a Masters degree in Healthcare Administration and is a Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP), Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ), Credentialed in Exercise is Medicine® (EIM2), and clinical Certified Health Coach.

As a national speaker and published author, Corley continues to promote, educate and advocate for physical activity and prescriptive exercise as a standard in healthcare.

Corley is a published author, health and fitness writer, and public speaker. Her specialty areas are cardiovascular disease prevention and management, health promotion, behavior change, exercise prescription for chronic disease, and senior fitness. She has a strong background in medical fitness and healthcare administration, education, mental health, and quality improvement in which she has integrated into all aspects of MyFitScript.

Here are just some of Corley’s professional building blocks…

  • Advisor to the Center for the Study of Aging and International Association for Physical Activity, Aging and Sports
  • Advocacy Committee of the NYS Chapter of the National Coalition for Physical Activity
  • Host of monthly television series on exercise and chronic disease in Schenectady, New York at SACC-TV
  • Health columnist for newspaper in Upstate New York
  • Fitness and chronic disease columnist for Mature Lifestyles of TN Magazine
  • Featured in Business and Health Magazine
  • Featured on Medscape’s CBS Healthwatch
  • Served as a content reviewer and writer for Epotec, Inc.
  • Content developer for HCA/Digiscript “All About Learning” education solutions
  • ACSM Fitness Network Instructor
My Story

“When I was a young teenager I found myself struggling with what later would be diagnosed as depression. I didn’t know what depression was, or how to deal with it, or even know what a ‘coping mechanism’ was. No one talked about depression. I struggled for years wondering why I was so sad all the time. I became very good at hiding my struggle and in my senior year of high school I joined the track team. I quickly took to running and found that running helped ease the feelings of ‘bad’ in exchange for what felt ‘good’. My newly discovered self-medicating-with-exercise program led me to run my first marathon in college. I survived the run as well as the 26.2 miles of ‘me-time’ in my head!

Exercise allows me to feel strong: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  It motivates me to act on life and not just ‘go through the motions’.

“It has been my life’s work to ‘run for my life’ and to help support others on their own journey of active living”.

“That’s my story and I’m running with it!”